We had spent five months of absolute bliss exploring the islands of the Guna Yala (San Blas), but it was time to move on. We were ready to leave for a couple of reasons. The main one was that we had exactly one month before our scheduled haulout of ¡Pura Vida! in early July and […]
Posts with the San Blas tag
Guna Yala – The Cruising Life
There is no way to write a single blog about the Guna Yala land and waters, and the Guna people, and do them justice. So we will break this up into three parts. This is the third part: the sea and the cruising life. The remoteness and simple lifestyle in the Guna Yala make it […]
Guna Yala – Remote and Isolated
There is no way to write a single blog about the Guna Yala land and waters, and the Guna (aka Kuna) people, and do them justice. So we will break this up into three parts. This is the second part: the land. Along the Caribbean coast of Panama lies an area called the Guna Yala, […]
The Guna: A Fascinating Culture
There is no way to write a single blog about the Guna Yala land and waters (also known as the San Blas), and the Guna people, and do them justice. So we will break this up into three parts starting with the most important: the people. A large portion of the Caribbean coastline of Panama […]
Game Changer
Two doctors, a firefighter, three tanks of pure oxygen, a defibrillator, and a team of fellow cruisers doing non-stop CPR couldn’t save him. What happened in our anchorage recently, in the San Blas islands off the Panamanian coast, only a few boat lengths away from ¡Pura Vida!, was a sadly enlightening experience for us. One […]