Most of you probably know by now just how slowly we move. We are never in a race when we sail to new places. When we find an anchorage we like, we might stay put for weeks. We enjoy Panana so much, we’ve stuck around since 2018. We do, pretty much, everything with zero sense […]
Posts in the Maintenance category:
Never ending boat work.
Boat Blocked!
At the end of 2023, we returned from France to Panama to civil unrest. Main roads were shut down throughout the country, and some regions were paralyzed as illegal, semi-permanent blockades completely stopped vehicular traffic. Nothing could get through by land – not people, goods, or even emergency vehicles. Some roadblocks were emplaced for just […]
Harvest Time
If you know us at all, you undoubtedly recognize that we love traveling slowly, putting down roots, and getting to know a place. Zipping from one city to the next, with only a day or two to explore, has never been our style. When a place touches our hearts and imaginations, we are inclined to […]
That’s a Wrap!
If you know us well, you know that subtlety and muted shades are not our jam. We like bold, funky patterns and loud colors. We want our immediate surroundings to be bright and cheerful. We love Ziggy B, but the boat came from the factory in the most boring colors, and it was almost in […]
Fat Bottomed Girl
We have hauled ¡Pura Vida! out of the water several times to work on her bottom, but it has always been done by a boat yard with a sling crane. These beastly contraptions place two or three enormous straps under her hull and gently lift her out of the water. The crane then moves to […]
Something Is Burning
“Something is burning” are three of the most frightening words you can hear someone say on a cruising boat. Those are the exact words Kimberly yelled out a couple of minutes after we had started our engine. She then ran to the cockpit and shut the engine down while I reached for the fire extinguisher. […]
Our Frosty Drawers
It Started With A Stench For years, every time we reached in to our utensil drawer above the refrigerator, or pulled open the large drawer below, our nostrils were assaulted by the unmistakable scent of mold. Attempts to purge the offending odor with vinegar, then bleach, had no effect. We learned to live with it, […]
A (Not Final) Farewell
That dreaded time for cruising sailors was fast approaching – haulout time. A necessary evil of the cruising life is that you periodically must have your home lifted out of the water and placed on stilts. While in this unnatural state for a boat, all types of bottom maintenance can be performed, and ¡Pura Vida! […]
Bimini Blues (The dumbest thing we have done aboard…so far)
I think Kimberly jinxed me by complaining that I always get to write the glamorous entries in the blog. Our return to Bimini was supposed to be an exploration of all the wonderful dive sites we had seen when we first came to the island group in 2001 aboard a Black Beard dive boat. We […]
Water, Crap, and Power
For the record, why do I always get the technical entries, while John-Michael gets to wax poetic about our adventures? He writes about diving into a blue hole on an exotic island and I get to discuss our new poop processing machine. I know it’s rhetorical, but I just had to ask. Returning to the […]